Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

First Order

There are approximately 60 brothers and a number of postulants living in 10 friaries, mostly on Guadalcanal, but also on the islands of Malaita, Isabel, Santa Cruz and Makira. They hope to establish a friary on Vanuatu in the near future. 

The brothers can be contacted through Patteson House in Honiara: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or through social media:

Third Order

The Province of the Pacific comprises two regions, one in the Solomon Islands, Melanesia, the other in Aotearoa New Zealand. Melanesia has 6 areas. There are multiple cultures and languages across the Pacific and Melanesia. We are closely linked with the Province of Asia-Pacific. There are 79 professed tssf and a large number of postulants and novices.

Visit them on Facebook


There are many hundreds of Companions throughout all the dioceses. They support the brothers in prayer and fundraising and other ways. For information contact the Chaplain to Companions at Patteson House:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or see them on Facebook